We plan and calculate the management infrastructure of your gas and water supply.
As a provider
And pipeline operators, you need detailed information about your management infrastructure to make the right planning and investment decisions. Our services help you make the best use of capacity, make informed decisions and avoid misinvestments.
When it comes to system planning for your pipe networks, you can count on us – a call or an email is enough. Our service package is tailored to the needs of local gas and water companies. It is based on experience, know-how and powerful tools.
Our core competency lies in developing computer models that realistically map the details of your gas and water networks.
Our models make flow processes more transparent, providing a basis for targeted network computation and expansion planning. Supply situations are easier to assess, the effect of rising loads can be identified at an early stage and the impact of construction projects can be assessed before you make the investment.
We design our models so that they can be easily and effectively integrated in your day-to-day business. Your personnel will receive training on how to use the software tool, and if you require support beyond the implementation stage, we will still be available.
For our models to realistically map the conditions as they exist in your networks, they require data that is accurate and reliable. We will help you make use of available data in an efficient and effective way, e.g. by linking commercial and engineering data sets.
We offer you a first-time analysis of your consumption billing and GIS data as one of our services.
Today, grid design programs are generally capable of using consumption billing and GIS data. Numerous customer projects have confirmed that available GIS data can in most cases be used without any problems. However, Experience has shown that every database has its gaps and contains geometry and factual errors.
As one of our services, we therefore offer a first-time analysis of your consumption billing and GIS data. The idea is not only to correct all errors and fill all gaps, but to prevent similar flaws from distorting calculations in subsequent reviews.
Well-founded grid calculations require grid load data which accurately reflect the real consumption situation.
Grid calculations can only be a reliable decision-making tool, if the hourly grid load data accurately reflect gas consumption for various different temperatures. Our service will help you meet these requirements: We evaluate your sendout data, naturally in strict compliance with data protection regulations.
In order to determine the real hourly demand of a gas grid, capacity calculations must take account of climatic variables (temperature, wind, etc.) human habits (the time of day, the day of the week, seasonal effects) and economic parameters. For this reason we use the fundamental rules of gas sendout, which we have established in a large number surveys. Being able to make temperature-dependent calculations allows us to compare the calculated hourly demand with what is actually measured in the field.
For water grids, the real hourly demand is determined using DVGW Code of Practice W 410 along with the operating experience gained by the utility.

We process your conventional grid maps so the information can be used for grid calculations.
Many utilities continue to use analogue grid maps. We can also use such maps to collect local grid data for the development of grid models. To this end, we scan the “classical” paper maps and then digitize the route along with the technical attributes of each individual line on screen.
The gas or water grid data recorded this way are then imported into the grid calculation program to be used.